Meetro v. Meebo v. 800 lb. Gorillas
Last night at the Super Happy Dev House, I had the opportunity to talk to Paul Bragiel of Meetro and to Seth of Meebo. Pretty good products with diffentiation from the big gorillas - AOL, MSN, and Y!
In case you don't know, Meetro is a location finder that allows you to meet the people in a geographical area. It allows to look for like-minded people, friends of friends, or interesting places. It sits on a downloadable client like most instant messengers.
On the other hand, Meebo is a AJAX instant messenger (yes, it runs on a browser) that connects to the big networks. Pretty cool if you can't download software (e.g. office), sharing computers, or using someone else's PC. Its a cool product eventhough it still misses the big features such as voice, music, etc. I still have to get used to having IM on a browser though.
The challenge for these two companies is the legality of connecting to the networks. You can get away with it (like Trillian) if you're a small company. But once you grow, it'll be more difficult. Plus, the big use for IM is moving to video and voice. And thats not easy to do.
I seems like you enjoyed yourself at shdh. Excellent!
I am not in the know regarding either of these areas, but I am always willing to give my opinion ;-)
how does one define "like minds"? Location can be awkward.
In the IM space, if it is not cross-platform, (and open source) it won't fly. Quite a few of my buddies are a lot more excited by where jabber is heading with geo, with possibly a little bit of plazes thrown into the mix.
there seems to be room for a web based IM client, but it has been tried (this Java). I am glad that the meebo developers awknowledge that they a ways to before being a compelling alternative. I don't think an IM client will be enough though in the consumer space, but possible they have identified other markets.
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